Avgol to showcase beneFIT™ antimicrobial solutions at Hygienix 2018

Avgol, a global leader in the manufacture of high-performance nonwoven fabric solutions, is to showcase its range of beneFIT™ technologies at Hygienix 2018.

The beneFIT range has been developed through Avgol’s Forward Innovative Thinking (FIT) strategy, which harnesses the company’s expertise in creating high-performance technologies for the baby diaper, adult incontinence and feminine hygiene markets with the needs of the consumer at the forefront.

The strategy forms the basis of Avgol’s continuing research and development into revolutionary solutions that meet the ever-growing needs of the global hygiene market.

Director of Market Business Intelligence and Intellectual Property at Avgol, Nick Carter, will speak at the event on Avgol’s FIT strategy and technologies. Mr Carter’s presentation will feature beneFIT Control, a new range of chemistries and processes developed by Avgol to deliver superior performance and comfort to consumers.

beneFIT Control can be used in tandem with Avgol’s other FIT technologies to enhance the functionality of hygiene products.

Mr Carter said: “Hygienix is an industry leading expo and a great platform for Avgol to inform and educate delegates on our latest market-leading technology developments. We look forward to meeting visitors to demonstrate how our FIT technologies can offer a customisable solution for enhanced performance and end-user comfort.”

Avgol’s advanced antimicrobial solution, beneFIT Control, has also been nominated for a Hygienix 2018 Innovation Award at the event.

Hygienix is a premier annual event for absorbent hygiene and personal care markets and takes place from November 5-8 at the Loews Portofino Hotel in Orlando, Florida. Avgol will be presenting its technologies during a tabletop exhibition and welcomes delegates to stop by.

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