Avgol, a global leader in the manufacture of high-performance nonwoven fabric solutions forthe hygiene market andsubsidiary of Indorama Ventures Plc, has announced the appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer, Shachar Rachim.

Mr.Rachim is a longstanding member of the senior management team at Avgol, having been Chief Financial Officer for seven years and being appointed also as Deputy CEO in 2014. Since 2016 Mr. Rachim served as deputy CEO and CAO.

After four years with the company, current CEO David Meldram has decided to step down on December 31, 2018. He commented: “I’m delighted to be leaving the company at this great time in our history. With the Indorama investment completed and a new technology strategy in place, I’m leaving the business in safe hands with Shachar Rachim.”

CEO of the Fibres Division at Avgol’s parent company, Indorama Ventures, Uday Gill added: “We are very excited by the appointment of Mr. Shachar Rachim as Avgol’s CEO. We are confident that he brings extensive experience, capabilities and leadership that will take Avgol forward to materialise its promising strategic position and achieve long-term profitable growth as a key member of the Indorama Ventures group.

“I also want to personally thank Mr. Meldram for his significant contribution to Avgol’s global growth and market position and wish him the very best in the future.”

Avgol is developing a range of new Forward Innovative Thinking (FIT) technologies, which are modular in nature and thus can be used alone or in various combinations to achieve the goals of product designers in creating differentiation in nonwovens hygiene fabric applications.

Commenting on his appointment, Mr.Rachim said: “My appointment comes at crucial time for Avgol as the company takes its new dynamic innovation strategy forward.

“Avgol has its sights on revolutionising the nonwovens industry with its FIT strategy which represents the company’s commitment to harnessing its expertise to anticipate the needs of consumers and create high-performance technologies for the baby diaper, adult incontinence and feminine hygiene markets.

“Avgol is pushing the boundaries of new technologies to meet the ever-evolving needs of global consumers and I am looking forward to overseeing this exciting, new direction that the company has embarked upon, under the leadership of David.”

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