Waveform 3D technology arrives at Mocksville

Global leader in the manufacture of high-performance nonwoven fabric solutions for the hygiene market, Avgol, has geared up to deliver its pioneering Waveform 3D solution to meet growing North American demand for value-added technology in hygiene applications.

The business has installed and commissioned a new production line to deliver the capability. Waveform 3D is a unique process that impacts three-dimensional qualities and properties to nonwoven precursor fabrics.

Galvanized by the installation of the new production line, Waveform 3D offers product designers heightened flexibility with how applications look, feel and function, as well as the opportunity to drive further inherent customer-led value from the very top of the supply chain. Notably, this means that nonwoven fabric solutions can be created for bespoke applications and with specific properties faster and more efficiently.

Nick Carter, Director of Market Business Intelligence and Intellectual Property at Avgol, commented: “At Avgol, we thrive on creative nonwoven solutions to meet the evolving demands of the market. The hygiene industry doesn’t stay still for too long – our customers rely on us to continually deliver tailored fabric technologies that turn the spunmelt substrate into competitive edge.”

“Waveform 3D can also be combined with our FIT strategy; a forward-thinking suite of chemistries and processes. We pioneer in market-led value technology because that’s the direction the hygiene landscape is moving, particularly across North America. Customers demand more from the products they buy and the combination of Waveform 3D and FIT technology makes this not just achievable for our customers, but profitable.”

Using apertured, solid or combination patterned surfaces, the three-dimensional composition enabled by Waveform 3D technology imbues the material with customer-facing advantages and design benefits, including advanced fluid management and breathability, as well as enhanced cushioning and cotton-feel qualities.

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